Dynamic risk management โ revised core model
Dynamic Risk Management (DRM) is a standard currently under development to reflect interest rate risk management measures in financial reporting.
Liquidity management โ a comparison of approaches to modeling cash flows for variable bank products
Regulatory requirements merely provide the framework โ the institution-specific implementation can be based on different modeling approaches.

Shortage of skilled workers โ an existential threat to banks and insurance companies
Skilled workers will be in short supply in Germany in the future. One in 14 positions will be unfilled in about seven years.

New banking environment 2023: challenging times ahead
zeb.market.flash Q4 2022 (Issue 42 โ January 2023): Essential value drivers in banking
AI Liability Directive: reversing the burden of proof?
What do the new rules mean for financial institutions? To what extent will the new AI Liability Directive affect the already highly regulated financial industry โ also in Germany?
Cost management evolution
New models for cost governance in the context of market evolution, new competitive forces and regulatory requirements.
A management introduction to MLOps
With MLOps, IT managers can ensure that efficiencies are gained when moving from pilot to scale.
Secure and legally compliant instant messaging: 7 tips for financial institutions
Secure business communication: how financial institutions implement secure and legally compliant instant messaging
Impact investing: challenges and opportunities
Interview with Andrรฉ Hรถck, Head of ESG Integration at EB โ Sustainable Investment Management GmbH, a subsidiary of Evangelische Bank, about the opportunities, risks and challenges of impact investing.
Regional banks after the interest rate turnaround โ seizing opportunities, avoiding risks
Challenges of the interest rate turnaround require cross-divisional cooperation.
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