Current challenges and strategies in dealing with non-performing loans
Effectively managing rising default rates in the lending business
A look back at the banking industry’s year 2024
With more than 1,800 articles published over the past decade, we have become a pivotal news platform and the go-to source for experts and people interested in banking. THANK YOU, dear readers, (guest) authors and experts: your trust has driven us forward and made us what we are today.
ESG and Austrians banks – the pressure is rising
Austria’s regional banks are facing the challenge of asserting themselves in a changing market environment. This can, however, also be an opportunity. The integration of ESG criteria offers banks a unique chance not only to transform their business models, but to tap into new sources of income.
European Asset Management Study 2024: remaining cautious despite market growth
Global AUM growth regained speed and the market grew by around 9%. Despite this upswing, however, market growth alone is no reason to sound the all-clear!
Planning tomorrow’s real estate investments today – part 2: products and services
The period of growth in the global real estate market has come to an abrupt end. Opportunities to diversify real estate portfolios: products and services of the zeb.solution framework.
Digital assets TOM: how financial institutions embed digital assets in their line organizations
How can financial institutions upscale their digital asset business model to serve the mass market?