zeb.market flash (Issue 19 – October 2016)
K e y t o p i c s I. State of the banking industry Global top 100 banks increased their
LCR and NSFR simulation
A core component of a holistic liquidity risk management approach
Final BCBS standards on interest rate risk in the banking book
Revised IRR principles raise Pillar 2 and disclosure requirements for IRRBB.
Mining-driven process controlling, or: What does the process look like?
Analyzing process data based on banks’ current IT infrastructure.
“zeb.digital pulse check” study: Banks are letting digital transformation wash over them
Majority of banks shy away from modernizing their IT architecture
Taking the stress out of the stress test
Is your organization stress test ready?
zeb.market flash (Issue 18 – July 2016)
Key Topics I. State of the banking industry The Brexit decision on June 23rd discontinued the positive trend of the
Brexit does not kill the Financial Markets: An Ode to Regulatory Oversight
Brexit – The unthinkable! While most market commentary is focusing on what has happened so far, there is less attention to the financial market meltdown that failed to materialize.
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