Kathrin Wolfsberger / author BankingHub

Kathrin Wolfsberger

Senior Consultant

Kathrin Wolfsberger is a Senior Consultant in the Practice Group Business & Commercial Banking at zeb. In this role, she is working on projects with a focus on the implementation of regulatory requirements in the area of sustainability, in particular in the area of risk management and disclosure at regional banks and specialised institutions in the DACH region.


Office Vienna
PraterstraรŸe 31
1020 Vienna


+43 152 26370-123

Articles by Kathrin Wolfsberger

Data lightbulb as a metaphor for ESG and Austrian banks - the pressure is on

ESG and Austrians banks โ€“ the pressure is rising

Austriaโ€™s regional banks are facing the challenge of asserting themselves in a changing market environment. This can, however, also be an opportunity. The integration of ESG criteria offers banks a unique chance not only to transform their business models, but to tap into new sources of income.

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