zeb.market.flash (Issue 11- October 2014)

Key Topics

1. State of the banking industry

  • Global banking industry with significant increase in market cap and solid TSR performance – global top 100 banks best performing industry in Q3 2014
  • Stable CDS spreads – AQR and stress test uncertainties not yet reflected

2. Key banking drivers

  • Strong GDP growth in the US accompanied with rise of inflation and interest rates and improving loan quality
  • Interest and inflation rates further decreasing in Germany
  • Shrinking global investment banking revenues – volumes down by more than 20%

3. Special topic: Bank separation and RRPโ€”the end of universal banking?

  • Structural separation and recovery & resolution initiated to end Too Big To Fail problem
  • Structural reforms will significantly affect profitability of universal banks

Picture: Skyline Dubai

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Dr. Dirk Hollรคnder / author BankingHub

Dr. Dirk Hollรคnder

Expert Partner of the zeb Group and Head of zeb.business school, Frankfurt

Volker Abel

Senior Manager zeb
Dr. Ekkehardt Bauer / author BankingHub

Dr. Ekkehardt Bauer

Senior Manager Office Mรผnster

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