Finance & Risk

Regulatory innovations and requirements

Ways towards sustainable bank management: fulfilling a bank’s very own transformation functions; maturity, lot size and risk transformation.

Gaining the competitive edge – measuring and assessing an organization’s risk culture

Risk culture is a crucial factor when it comes to the daily business of handling various risks, especially in the financial industry. The long-term

Survey results: Increasing requirements for risk controlling

The increased concentration of regulatory requirements has particularly affected risk controlling, whose staff had to take on a more reactive role, in order to

Reputational Risk: Sound management becomes essential

The relevance of reputational risk (RepRisk) is further increasing based on the latest SREP guidelines published on December 19, 2014. For banks it is

Getting banks ready for a turn in the European credit cycle

How the danger of a turning credit cycle creates risk and opportunities for banks

Negative interest rates in Switzerland – effects on ALM

Despite the fact that negative interest rates had already been observed for different tenors over the past months, rates dropped to an unprecedented low

Implementation of forbearance still incomplete in many banks

Increased relevance due to SREP

Disclosure in the spotlight of supervision: improved transparency and market discipline or a rather incomprehensible data flood?

A complete overview of disclosure requirements for institutions

EBA stress test: A second look

Capital ratios will stay under pressure.

Regulatory Roadmap – Towards Strategic Regulatory Management

Trapped in the vicious circle of managing regulatory requirements

No comprehensive risk management without risk culture

Why risk culture?

Act on the recovery and resolution of financial institutions (SAG) – Recover plans for everyone

Banking supervision demands recovery and resolution plans to protect taxpayers

SREP (supervisory review and evaluation process): Blessing or curse?

Consider supervisory review an opportunity

Challenges of IFRS 9 Impairment: Requirement to prepare early for the new impairment approach

Requirement to recognize expected losses upon initial recognition of the financial assets and far-reaching implementation requirements

Forbearance Reporting – Challenges of a quick and efficient implementation of the ITS reporting

Extensive credit reporting due to forbearance requirements of FINREP

Integrated perspective of setting up annual financial statements

Quality beats quantity – Features of a contemporary reporting

Fundamental review of the trading book (FRTB) – A revised market risk framework

Overview of the most important changes for market risks under Basel 3.5

Data governance removes blinders

Regulations enforce profound restructuring

The ECB stress test – challenging the European banking sector’s substance

The ECB stress test as next core element in ECB’s Comprehensive Assessment

Big data: Potentials from a risk management perspective

Every day relevant news and in-depth analyses about current banking topics by our zeb experts.Terabytes, petabytes and exabytes—the amount of data that companies and

Prudent valuation: Caution when valuating financial instruments!

With the publication of the final draft of the Regulatory Technical Standards on Prudent Valuation (EBA/RTS/2014/06) on March 31, 2014, the final regulations for

Integrated scenario-based management of specialized funds

An enhancement of operational and strategic interest rate book and bank-wide management

Shadow banking: Under the regulator’s spotlight

Having recently moved under the regulator’s spotlight, shadow banking has been the subject of a plethora of legislation.

Challenges of integrated planning

Success factors in the planning process


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