
Restructuring and organizational topics 

(Digital) restructuring and strategic realignment, productivity management, pricing and interdisciplinary news on process control, process optimization and agile transformation.

Sustainable optimization of IT costs

The effects of the financial market crisis still manifest themselves in an increased cost pressure for institutions—no easing of the pressure in sight. The

Onshore? Offshore? Nearshore!

Optimizing value chain efficiency of a bank through nearshoring of non-core functions

Implementing compliance and CSR as a basis for sustainable sourcing and shared services

New challenges for sourcing and shared services

“Less is more” – Scorecards for managing ORG/IT

Responsibility as a stakeholder and more autonomy necessitate increased requirements for an independent management of ORG/IT – Scorecards as a solution

Target Operating Model (TOM) – Building solid grounds for your business model

Operating models in a changing banking environment

The right setup of ORG/IT leads to corporate success

The core task of the IT (or better ORG / IT) function still is to provide appropriate solutions for the company in terms of high

Service provider management — important determining factor of successful sourcing relations

Sourcing in the financial services sector as a lasting trend with significant volume

Visions for a balanced project portfolio

Nearly all institutions in the financial services sector have a huge demand for adjustments both on the organizational and the IT side. Various regulatory

The honeymoon is over — What happens when sourcing projects escalate

Of keeping a cool head even in critical phases of long sourcing projects

IT cost management — play neatly or win?

What do soccer and IT cost management have in common

MiFID II — Regulatory requirements have a major impact on the securities business model of banks

Every day relevant news and in-depth analyses about current banking topics by our zeb experts.Due to extensive auditing, documentation and reporting duties, the implementation

Successful Program Management — What matters for PMO

The combination of regulatory requirements, which have expanded for years, and the continuing low interest-rate phase is putting European financial institutions under an enormous


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