Research & Markets

Economic developments, dynamics, opportunities and potentials in banking

Observations and analyses of the current state of the banking sector, market volumes and margins of banking products and offers as well as relevant players in financial services.

Research & Markets

Economic developments, dynamics, opportunities and potentials in banking

Observations and analyses of the current state of the banking sector, market volumes and margins of banking products and offers as well as relevant players in financial services.

Data lightbulb as a metaphor for ESG and Austrian banks - the pressure is on

ESG and Austrians banks – the pressure is rising

Austria’s regional banks are facing the challenge of asserting themselves in a changing market environment. This can, however, also be an opportunity. The integration of ESG criteria offers banks a unique chance not only to transform their business models, but to tap into new sources of income.

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Skyscraper in construciton with green plants bottom-up as metaphor for the ESG Study 2024: Europe’s banks under the microscope

ESG Study 2024: Europe’s banks under the microscope

In cooperation with the Liechtenstein Bankers Association, zeb asked 36 European financial institutions, including large, state/cantonal and domestic-oriented banks, to self-assess their ESG status quo. The outlook for the institutions surveyed is sobering: the majority still face significant challenges on their path to sustainable transformation.

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