Research & Markets

Economic developments, dynamics, opportunities and potentials in banking

Observations and analyses of the current state of the banking sector, market volumes and margins of banking products and offers as well as relevant players in financial services.

Research & Markets

Economic developments, dynamics, opportunities and potentials in banking

Observations and analyses of the current state of the banking sector, market volumes and margins of banking products and offers as well as relevant players in financial services.

skyscrapers overgrown with green trees as metaphor for the ESG transformation advancing

ESG transformation advancing but still in progress

Every quarter, provides an overview of the performance of the world’s largest banks (measured by market capitalisation). This issue (#49 – July 2024) deals in detail with our special topic “ESG transformation advancing but still in progress”.

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interest rate risk conundrum

The interest rate risk conundrum

What is behind the alleged discrepancy between the banks’ negative IRRBB exposures and the observed increase in profitability? Which hedging strategies should banks use in the changed environment?

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Start into a potentially challenging year 2024f or banks

A splendid start into a potentially challenging year

Every quarter, provides an overview of the performance of the world’s largest banks (measured by market capitalisation). This issue (#48 – April 2024) deals in detail with our special topic “CRE in turmoil and vulnerability of Western European banks”.

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