Singapore FinTech Festival 2024: four key insights for financial institutions in Europe
The future of the capital market will be increasingly digital, efficient and sustainable. The trends and technologies showcased during the 9th Singapore FinTech Festival (SFF) week offer banks considerable opportunities, but also – as is so often the case – present them with new challenges.

How the QFC is helping to position Qatar as a leading digital assets hub
Interview with Maha Al-Saadi, Head of Regulatory Affairs at QFC, regarding the status quo of digital assets in Qatar, current initiatives and the focus of Qatari digital asset use cases
Operation of a trading platform for crypto assets
This article is part 6 of the BankingHub topic glossary “A brief guide to digital asset services”. The glossary entries on digital assets explain how digital asset services work and how they are regulated.
Placement of crypto assets
This article is part 3 of the BankingHub topic glossary “A brief guide to digital asset services”. The glossary entries on digital assets explain how digital asset services work and how they are regulated.
Provision of transfer services for crypto assets on behalf of clients
This article is part 2 of the BankingHub topic glossary “A brief guide to digital asset services”. The glossary entries on digital assets explain how digital asset services work and how they are regulated.
Provision of custody and administration of crypto assets on behalf of clients
This article is part 1 of the BankingHub topic glossary “A brief guide to digital asset services”. The glossary entries on digital assets explain how digital asset services work and how they are regulated.
A brief guide to digital asset services: the glossary for the digital asset world
MiCAR glossary series “A brief guide to digital asset services”
Digital assets TOM: how financial institutions embed digital assets in their line organizations
How can financial institutions upscale their digital asset business model to serve the mass market?
Venture capital investments in the digital asset and DLT economy of the future
We spoke with Moritz Schildt, CEO of coinIX GmbH & Co. KGaA, about coinIX, venture capital investments in crypto projects and start-ups, the potential of tokenization, and the projected landscape of the digital asset and DLT economy by 2030.
MiCAR: navigating through MiCAR’s licensing processes
Overview of licensing processes according to the pan-European Markets in Crypto Assets Regulation (MiCAR)
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