We celebrate 10 years of BankingHub!

Ten years ago, our welcome post at bankinghub.de  (in German) went online. The BankingHub was founded by Dr. Alexander Henk, Prof. Dr. Stefan Kirmße, Dr. Jörg Howein, Tristan Holl and Laura Pfannemüller, who were convinced that “sharing is caring” and thus wanted to make our zeb expertise accessible to a big target group. What were the original intentions behind the BankingHub? And what is the BankingHub today?

What were the original intentions behind the BankingHub?

Initially, the aim of the BankingHub was to actively share zeb’s knowledge, information and opinions with interested recipients and the entire banking industry. Given the strong target group orientation of the offer, we considered this type of content marketing, which is characterized by a high degree of expertise, ideal for zeb. We wanted to provide our authors with a platform to position themselves individually on various topics.

Last but not least, the early years of the BankingHub were also heavily influenced by the rapidly growing relevance of digital topics. More broadly, these were the years in which banks increasingly set themselves a clear “digital agenda”, and of course zeb wanted to support this trend.

The BankingHub today

Over the past ten years, we have developed into a central news platform for experts and other interested people who want to stay in the loop with all things banking. The relevance of all facts and the quality of our content are our top priorities, and we deliberately refrain from posting advertising content. The article format featuring illustrative graphics (we have now published approx. 1,700 articles on bankinghub.de and bankinghub.eu) has proven to fit perfectly with the high level of professionalism that we and zeb as a whole strive for.

To mark the anniversary, we have created a video (in German) in which we look back at the beginnings of our BankingHub.


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If you are interested in an interview or guest article with us, feel free to send us an e-mail to bankinghub@zeb.de. We are looking forward to continuing to inspire you with exciting articles and interviews in the years to come!

What is the BankingHub for you?

Feel free to contact us!

Julia Schraut / author BankingHub

Julia Schraut

Expert Office Berlin
Dr. Madita Amelie Pesch / author BankingHub

Dr. Madita Amelie Pesch

Senior Consultant Office Münster

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