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Crypto fund unit

A crypto fund unit is a share in investment funds or in individual share classes of an investment fund that is registered in a crypto securities register. The German Electronic Securities Act (Gesetz zur Einführung von elektronischen Wertpapieren, eWpG) also extends to electronic investment funds share certificates, which can thereby also be held in a central register.

What are crypto fund units?

Crypto fund unit – revolution of the share certificate business? Figure 1: Crypto fund unit – revolution of the share certificate business?

Crypto fund units can be issued by asset managers – either as unit certificate classes for mutual funds or as special AIFs. Just like crypto securities, they can be registered both collectively and individually. With regard to their tradability, they are subject to the same restrictions as crypto securities.

German regulation on crypto fund units (KryptoFAV)

The German regulation on crypto fund units (Verordnung über Kryptofondsanteile, KryptoFAV) allows investment fund providers to issue crypto fund units in order to further promote Germany as a fund hub. As per the new regulation, they are allowed to hold electronic share certificates as crypto fund units in a crypto securities register.

The provisions of the Electronic Securities Act are thus extended to electronic share certificates. Usually, the registrar for crypto fund units is the respective depositary. Alternatively, the depositary may appoint an external registrar with a KWG license to operate a crypto securities register.

Feel free to contact us!

Julian Schmeing / author BankingHub

Julian Schmeing

Partner Office Munich
George Stylianou / author BankingHub

George Stylianou

Manager Office Berlin
Philipp Kerber / author BankingHub

Philipp Kerber

Senior Consultant

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